Peru to study Tacna-Arica Railway upgrade via PPP
Proinversion, Peru’s Private Investment Promotion Agency, and the Regional Government of Tacna signed an agreement to modernise...
Here at Proximo have been working hard to bring this event to the Canadian energy finance community virtually - fear not, we will be coming soon to a computer, laptop or Ipad near you. Why? In order to give key players in industry the opportunity to stay connected during this unique and difficult period as the spread of Covid-19 affects business globally.
Join us in this virtual space to hear top governments, developers, investors and lenders discuss adopting dynamic PPP contracts, improving public-private collaboration to align goals, and to putting in place appropriate and robust risk transfer for future projects.
All speaking sessions will run online with the opportunity to interact through a live Q&A after each panel discussion.
And with a focus on real opportunities in a challenging market, we will hear from the people on the ground working on transition fuels, new smart metering and micro grid technologies and agile domestic investment strategies. And through case studies and Proximo's innovative gamified sessions, we deliver the curated content you can arm yourself with as we continue headfirst into the green revolution. The Canadian Infrastructure Virtual Exchange facilitates an environment in which industry leaders can identify and debate how this market can move forward.
A day before the Proximo Canadian Power & Renewables we will be running the Canadian Infrastructure virtual event.
Join us in intimate surroundings to hear top governments, developers, investors and lenders discuss adopting dynamic PPP contracts, improving public-private collaboration to align goals, and to putting in place appropriate and robust risk transfer for future projects.
And with a focus on real opportunities in a challenging development market and in exploring how political priorities are affecting procurement trends, The Canadian Infrastructure Virtual Exchange facilitates an environment in which industry leaders can identify and debate how this market can move forward.
View the Canadian Infrastructure virtual event brochure here.