KHNP partners with Deep Wind for Korean offshore wind projects
Deep Wind Offshore has signed a partnership agreement with Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power (KHNP) to jointly develop two offshore wind...
A conference turned upside-down! Meeting rooms galore, wide-open networking spaces, and deal origination at the forefront
After a spectacular year of events, it was clear from 2022 attendance that in-person networking is back with a bang. The market showed that it is buzzing to be together again to secure deals and make new connections. It's not an exaggeration to say that we've never had quite so many requests for meeting rooms, additional networking space, and networking activities. With this in mind, we were delighted to announce a brand-new event for Proximo!
This October, we are heading to Berlin along with our sister brand TXF for the Dealmakers Assembly, a conference turned upside down. The event's primary focus was on securing those all-important meetings, strengthening ties with existing clients and forging new connections. We had tonnes of meeting rooms, networking spaces, and fun things for you to do over two days.
The Dealmakers Assembly is a conference like none you've attended before. We chose to focus on just a few, select and critical keynotes, leaving you the rest of the time to focus on meetings and dealmaking.
Developers and Sponsors get the best possible access to the stakeholders needed to get their deals successfully financed, guaranteed and off the ground. What's more, there were behind-closed-doors roundtables, each dedicated to Developers and Sponsors only.
Why join this completely unique and different event experience next year?
We are please to announce that Export and Project Finance Dealmakers Assembly 2023 will be held at the Hotel Berlin, Berlin in Germany.
We have a preferential room rate available to registered attendees of €159 ( single occupancy) per night. The rooms are available across the key event dates.
BOOK HERE to secure your place now!
Please note that all queries and cancellation requests will need to be discussed directly with the hotel.
For more information on our event logistics please contact